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Dr. Didier Raoult's debriefing on his multidrug COVID-19 treatment protocol

by Eleftherios Gkioulekas

This is one, of a few very rare interviews by Dr. Didier Raoult conducted in English, in response to the recently released documentary film "Epidemic of Fraud".

Dr. Raoult explains the latest developments with his latest retrospective observational study based on the data of 30,423 patients treated on his IHU Mediterranean Hospital and the ongoing situation with ongoing professional harassment and reprisals that his research group has been confronted with. During the interview, Xavier Azalbert mentions our two papers where we presented an independent analysis of the published data by Dr. Raoult's group. Dr. Raoult also comments on the safety of hydroxychloroquine and how he previously used it safely in combination with doxycycline for the treatment of Q fever, epidemiology and observational studies vs randomized controlled trials, and several other questions.

The video of Dr. Raoult's interview was first published by France Soir. The Epidemic of Fraud documentary is available on Youtube (until it is censored) and on Rumble, and via my Telegram channel. You can follow the creators of the documentary on their Rumble channel and on their Substack.

Addendum (June 9, 2024): As of June 8, 2024, I became aware that the DRYAD repository appears to have embargoed Dr. Raoult's data indefinitely, however the Science Data Bank repository, which is based in China, continues to make the files available for the time being. Understandably, there is bound to be some political pressure on repositories to take the data down, given that they prove that Dr. Raoult's treatments were efficacious and that the policies of many governments around the world were wrong. Since the original files were distributed using the Creative Commons CC0 license, upon accessing the data files on June 8, 2024 from the Science Data Bank repository, I have been granted permission to redistribute them under the same terms. Therefore, I am now making the respective files available to you under the terms of the Creative Commons CC0 license.

44.6KB ∙ PDF file

Metadata Cohort 30423 Covid 19 Ihu 032423
20.8KB ∙ XLSX file
Database Cohort 30423 Covid 19 Ihu 032923
2.65MB ∙ XLSX file


1.      P. Brouqui, M. Million, P. Parola, P.A. McCullough, D. Raoult. "Outcomes after early treatment with hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin: An analysis of a database of 30,423 COVID-19 patients", New Microbes and New Infections 55 (2023), 101188

2.      P. Brouqui P, D. Raoult. "Construction, quality control and regulatory aspect of a database of 30,423 COVID-19 patients cared for at the IHU Méditerranée infection France", Biomedical Journal of Scientific & Technical Research 52(3) (2023), 43799-43804

3.      V. Lounnas, E. Gkioulekas, M. Rendell, A. Lacout, X. Azalbert, C. Perronne, "An independent analysis of a retrospective cohort of 30,423 Covid-19 patients treated at IHU-Mediterranean in Marseille, France: Part 1, Efficacy of early treatment with hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin", Archives of Microbiology and Immunology 8 (2024), 51-66

4.      V. Lounnas, E. Gkioulekas, M. Rendell, A. Lacout, X. Azalbert, C. Perronne, "An independent analysis of a retrospective cohort of 30,423 Covid-19 patients treated at IHU-Mediterranean in Marseille, France: Part 2, A real-life assessment of Covid-19 vaccination efficacy", Archives of Microbiology and Immunology 8 (2024), 67-83

5.      P. Brouqui, E. Chabrière, D. Raoult, "Hydroxychloroquine: Pharmacokinetics and Toxicity", Journal of Clinical Pharmacy and Therapeutics, 2024 (2024), 6500340

6.      M. Millon, S. Cortaredona, L. Delorme, P. Colson, A. Levasseur, H. Tissot-Dupont, B. La scola, L. Camoin-jau, F. Fenollar, P. Gautret, P. Parola, J.-C. Lagier, S. Gentile, P. Brouqui, D. Raoult (2023, April 27), "Monocentric Retrospective Cohort of 30,423 COVID-19 Patients", Science Data Bank.

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