Truly tragic.

“It is truly tragic that these ideas were not quickly deployed for worldwide use throughout the four years of the COVID-19 pandemic.”

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More high quality observational rubbish hot off the press: "Contralateral second dose improves antibody responses to a 2-dose mRNA vaccination regimen". That's right folks simply switching arm between covid jabs increases immunity! Read it for yourself at:


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The problem is not that the study is observational, but that having an antibody response does not necessarily imply protection. Separately from safety issues and the futility of injecting spike protein every six months to prevent a virus from delivering spike protein to you. The other problem is that, according to Dr. Ashish Jha, the other arm is supposed to be used for the flu shot. 🙄

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HAHAHA! Now that’s funny! Three arms required to participate! And let's not forget the classic self-selecting sample—par for the course in clinical medical research. Problem is replication. But honestly, the whole concept is downright silly.

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Thank You Dr. Gkioulekas.

The Hazan and Stone finding of rapid improvement of O2 saturation on Ivermectin-combination-therapy is in line with my experience treating outpatients with this in 2020-2021, prior to my firing for vaccine refusal. Overnight improvement on ivermectin, zinc, doxycycline and Vitamin-D was the rule.

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Thank you for your work. IVM, prednisone, Zithromax, Vit C, D, Zinc and inhaled Budesonide and calling out to Jesus was what helped me get through Delta. The LORD also gave me the verse from Isaiah: “No weapon fashioned against you will prosper.” His Word is Truth. Praise the LORD.

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Two years ago when I came down with CoV2 I immediately started on IVM/HCQ/Vit D/Zinc/Azithromycin I also added in Alinia if my memory serves me....I started at the first sign of fatigue. Over the next 48 hours my fatigue increased and at the 48 hour mark my oxygen sats started to crash despite having ZERO respiratory symptoms. I was alone in the middle of nowhere but there was an oxygen cylinder only yards away but I was too exhausted to get out of bed.. my sats had droped below 70; although if I hyperventilated I could bring them into the low 90s. But hyperventilation was not an option for a sustainable intervention. I took off my monitor as it would not stop alarming and fell asleep knowing that CoV2 was interfering with the transport of oxygen either at the lung interface or at the interface of the red blood cells themselves. I knew at that moment hyperbaric oxygen would have really helped out a lot and I was yards away from a chamber but with no one to run it for me. Now we have research backing up what I knew as I feel into unconsciousness that only sats in the 60s can provide. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/38360929/

I believe not only can hyperbaric oxygen treat acute cases but now also LC as well.... obviously then, this has something to do with the mitochondria because we know how hyperbaric oxygen works and one of those ways is to rehab mitochondrial function.

It is my hope that if this or another virus makes a return performance that HBOT will be considered as part of the protocol in treating victims.

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A COURAGEOUS, SACRIFICIAL, former Emergency Medicine Doctor that owns a very successful skin care clinic saw the NEED and began providing EARLY treatment for people with COVID-19 infections.

December 27, 2021 my husband, 5 other extended family members and I tested positive for COVID-19 and it was the "wicked bad" Delta variant. She provided EXEMPLARY care for all of us in our homes via text messages including oxygen for those of us where it turned into pneumonia.

We all recovered at home. I am ETERNALLY GRATEFUL to ALMIGHTY GOD for His provision of her...especially considering our PCP wouldn't even try to help us.

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Thank you all for following up and reporting your research so that others can understand what took place with the alternate treatment of COVID-19. It is so sad that your methods of treatment were forbidden to many. My hope is that medical science will again become a science and not an ideology.

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Ohhh, thank you. Many of my hero's in the citations too! xx oo.

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Why do you find it noteworthy to point out Dr. Chetty's non-ivermectin approach. As if that was a better, safer, choice. Dr. Chetty did use Ivermectin early in the pandemic. In fact, it is reason why he was charged and found guilty of unprofessional conduct. Which he is still fighting. He has treated thousands of patients, with not one needing hospitalization,... and for that they charged him with this ridiculous crime. There wasn't even a vaccine available at the time.

Promethazine's safety profile is not even in the same ballpark as Ivermectin's. Perhaps the safest pharmaceutical ever produced. 100's of times safer than both aspirin and Tylenol.




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Dr. Chetty is being attacked because of every single drug that he used to treat outpatients. Apparently, the SA government has a small list of medicines for inpatients and an empty list for outpatients. It is noteworthy to mention because it also worked, raising the question of why it worked. It goes without saying that Jackie's option of nanosilver and ivermectin is the safest and it works just as well. However, Dr. Chetty reported in his paper a small number of patients with saturation in 80-85% and he was able to rapidly bring them back up with a non-ivermectin approach. That was early 2020, before ivermectin got on everyone's radar. The only doctor that I know about that used ivermectin as early as April 2020 with a 4-drug protocol was Dr. Hector Carvallo from Argentina (but let me know if you know of others).

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Dr. Chetty was charged and convicted years after the fact. After it was shown IVM was very effective in hypoxemia. And as you mentioned, Promethazine produced similar, rapid recovery of oxygen levels,... as compared to IVM's remarkable effectiveness, in reversing hypoxemia in a matter of hours.

Chetty was convicted of unprofessional conduct. Do you honestly believe these trumped up charges would have been brought,... if this 'one' medicine, Ivermectin, wasn't used?

Let's get real. They have been prosecuting and attacking doctors all over the world for using this life-saving med. You have many examples of this, even here in the US....


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I submitted an expert witness statement in support of Dr. Chetty so I know why he has been charged. The charges are flimsy and groundless, of course, but it is not mainly about ivermectin or even about the treatmenr. But the main reason behind the reasons is because he had a treatment that worked and because he was a leader and was teaching others his protocol, internationally. And because he zeroed in on the toxicity of the spike protein in public statements, with the obvious implications that follow from that.

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Wrong on two counts...

One,... he was convicted not just charged. He was found guilty in SA, and is now going through the appeals process.

Two,.. It is "All" about Ivermectin. Because it works exceptionally well. And would have and still could,... bring the entire mRNA platform to its knees. It directly threatens Big Pharma's cash cow and disease model. Ivermectin's effectiveness for SARS-CoV-2 is just the tip of the iceberg...


Don't you find it strange, with IVM's broad spectrum anti-viral activity, that it was never tested on measles? How can they test and show benefits on 20+ some odd viruses, and not on the one, most well known and thee most infectious. It's impossible for that to be an oversight. They just don't want it to cut into their MMR profits. I'll bet dollars to doughnuts IVM would wipe out a measles infection in a snap. And there is not a scintilla of published evidence to support my claim,... or for that matter, to even dispute it.

This has nothing to do with any doctor or their treatment. This fight is all about the cheap and effective drug that could cost them billions.

I'm no brain surgeon, but really,.. who needs to be to see what is going on here?

I'd be amiss, not to mention Hydroxychloroquine was also in use and also very effective. But it is not nearly as safe as IVM. Just doubling the dose may be fatal. Meanwhile, the LD50 of IVM, is 125 times the recommended dose for viral infection... 0.4 mg/kg daily.

While it was very commendable of you, to give Dr. Chetty your full support, I would just like to get the facts straight. That said, keep up the good work. I really enjoyed your last article...


And thank you for your subscription. To have qualified professionals, such as yourself, supporting my efforts, is greatly appreciated.

Sorry to hear of Jackie's demise. I did not know of her, or her story till now. The collateral damage caused by Big Pharma is horrific. To think this is not even a close 2nd to the damage perpetrated on the general public, is truly distressing.

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I love one of the studies in your critical review, which I don't believe I have seen before (Babalola OE et al. 2021). Comparing straight IVM treatment, to a combined therapy of IVM, Hydroxychloroquine and Azithromycin and found no difference. Suggesting IVM alone was sufficient...

"Conclusions: AZT + HCQ may be redundant adjuncts in COVID-19 therapy. Improvements noted are likely due in large part to Ivermectin viricidal and anti-inflammatory actions." https://www.clinmedjournals.org/articles/jide/journal-of-infectious-diseases-and-epidemiology-jide-7-233.php?jid=jide

That's not to say essential nutrients aren't very important. Indeed they are. A shortage of any nutrient is not good. Most of us are short of D3, K2 (Mk-7) and Mg. And all are essential for good health. Zinc, Iodine and Vitamin C also help combat viruses, and are found in short supply in certain populations.

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The problem is that his usage of HCQ and AZ was very low-dose compared to Zelenko's recommendation. The other problem with Babalola's case series is that 2 patients had to use the ventilator and 3 others needed supplemental oxygen. But that was because of less aggressive IVM protocol and/or not including doxycycline, We have been asked to split the paper into Part 1/Part 2, so currently working on that, and then hopefully will be accepted for publication. For delta variant, using both HCQ and IVM in combination was probably optimal in terms of preventing long covid by minimizing spike exposure.

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While HCQ and AZ might have been under-dosed, so too was IVM. They used half of what is generally recommended. But I give them Kudos for actually giving it to patients for a full 5 days. And adjusted dosage to their weight with no restrictions or upper intake limits,... unlike the Together Trial... https://ohbaby.substack.com/p/ivermectins-us-demise-the-together

It is also noteworthy, that 4 patients were withdrawn due to adverse reactions with HCQ.

I always believed reducing exposure would inhibit the production of long-term symptoms. But I am hearing, even those with mild acute infections can develop PASC. So suggesting continued IVM treatment, days after symptoms subside, might not be a bad idea.

I take it prophylactically to ward off getting infected all together. I also find benefit from its anti-inflammatory properties.

Good luck on publishing. It's quite a hurdle these days.

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