Oct 20Liked by Eleftherios Gkioulekas

Wow. Impressed that the authors pulled no punches in their conclusions.

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18 hrs agoLiked by Eleftherios Gkioulekas

Yes and the implications are staggering.

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Dr. Chaufan is awesome in the public health policy area. Soft-spoken but takes no prisoners.

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19 hrs agoLiked by Eleftherios Gkioulekas

Thank You, Professor. I'll include this in my blog post today. I voted early at dawn, a "protest vote" against murdering children.


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And yet, big pharma, the politicians, administrators, and most likely physicians, would do it all again tomorrow, even after reading this. Power to make you compliant and money rule the day.

It’s up to us to not comply.

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Not "would" . . . I fear "will" is a more accurate word. The swirling dots are so close together now that they don't even need to be joined up to make a pattern.

By the end of '25 the power crazed loons around the world will be abusing their populations again. Here in England, 2TierQueer has already started, ably assisted by his fawning supporters. 80% of the electorate didn't vote for him, yet he & his minions behave as though they have widespread approval & agreement. It's surreal.

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As the world watches… our 3-ringed circus is about to play out, as well. The “blob” needs big chaos to impose its “vision for the future” … so most folks here are already assessing the situation, (a lot more now have both eyes open thanks to the last 4 year debacle), as “they” incite and ramp things up. So on that day, pour a nice ale or G&T … It’s going to be a 🤡 show.

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Brilliant idea. I shall follow your excellent advice. A couple of pints chased down with a few drams of whisky & a smoke should do the trick. You should have been a doctor.

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Indeed! :)

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18 hrs agoLiked by Eleftherios Gkioulekas

Thank you Doc once again. Just yesterday a retired nurse practioner married to a Doctor Said to me with exasperation that she had no interest in thinking of covid anymore. She didn't want to hear anything about it. She just got her 6 or seventh booster. The blind truly cannot see and they don't want to see.

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They can't imagine or allow for the possibility there's even anything to see

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They don't know what they don't know. I see it in family members. I suspect that the specter of death or disability from the jab is too overwhelming a prospect for them so they have to continue to believe.

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13 hrs agoLiked by Eleftherios Gkioulekas

Up to her! We just need to make sure they stay off our backs, and make our voices heard so that the public learns the 'story behind the story' :)

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I’m in the U.S. and the situation is the same. Seems to me, crimes have been committed … and especially since those who promoted the jabs continue to do so.

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18 hrs agoLiked by Eleftherios Gkioulekas

"From the entire sample of both vaccinated and unvaccinated healthcare workers, 74.6% reported anxiety and/or depression and 18.3% the reported experiencing suicidal thoughts due to employer vaccination requirements."

Interesting. This was entirely foreseeable. Also foreseeable were the implications for accelerated telomere shortening and advise physical health outcomes.

A robust body of research has found that depression and anxiety are associated with shorter telomeres.

Accelerated telomere shortening is associated with early onset of many age-associated health problems, including coronary heart disease, heart failure, diabetes, increased cancer risk, osteoporosis and/or decreased lifespan.

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Maybe should be noted dead from vax outcomes did not respond

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Very good point.

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Oooops, yep!!

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I will never understand the state of affairs previous to Covid19 until now nor how sheeple were stupid enough to vote, turdo, biDUMB, ovomit, merkel, macron and other slime ball boogered woke wanker bigots into leadership positions.

And who in bloody hell do these fake medical appointees like Tam and Bonnie and other seemingly inept fools think they are? A Tam and Bonie Henry are bad enough BUT who do these bastardly asswipe deans and presidents of colleges and univerSHITties not to mention tedros think they are to arbitrarily impose mandates when they all believe in the mantra relative to abortion, "my body my choice" but deny that same right to all of us out here that was and is a violation of the Nuremburg Code!!!

They are damned murderers and liars and scumbags so wretched that fungal bodies grow on their pitiful carcasses.

What they did was illegal and criminal. I would say "damn these all" but I know that will be their eternal sentence according to the judgment of God based on the reality murderers will not inherit the kingdom of Heaven as stated in the Word of God.

It is fine to be flippant now but on the death beds of these profligates they will not be so comfortable as they are now.

But am I right to hate these people? No, and a thousand times no for as it is written, "God hates the workers of iniquity" and since He is the example, I will just tag along as a follower. I have only contempt as well for the fake rulers evil in their impositional violation of what the scriptures state. Just a relic of the past? Only a fool would say that with hundreds of prophecies fulfilled already to now and the signs that "evil will wax worse and worse" and "knowledge will increase" as it has which have both come to pass.

The world in its love of money, apostate fake religions, (over 90% of religions are apostate)and hypocrisy has yet to see the Light and there is no excuse. If one as rough as I could see the Light and the Truth there is no reason that anyone else could not see it as well.

There is a sentence in my mind always there, "Prepare to meet thy God." I do not predict the day but He will decide it Himself. In the meantime the signs and proofs add up to the reality and existence of God and the record of Salvation by only Jesus Christ the Son of the living God unto whom all power has been given.

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Amen Amin.

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Just a note to your above mentioned evil does Trudope et al they were all installed, not voted in by we the people. I am a Christian Orthodox, believe in the Father, Son and Holy Spirit I only bow down to Them. Man not at all, hence jab free.

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17 hrs agoLiked by Eleftherios Gkioulekas

Managers in the medical field have behaved disgracefully, their coercion, mandates, firing and ignoring established ethics and natural immunity are repulsive and downright evil.

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I'm amazed some truth is finally coming out of Canada from this era!! I'm in Quebec and the mandates were intense and pure nonsense: The Prime MInister of the province said it was okay for full-blown covid-infected vaccinated nurses to show up to work (of course, they were short staffed), while banning healthy unvaxxed ones from showing up to work... if this is science!?...

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It was never about science, it was admitted by the ilk when asked if studies were done on spreading of the so called scandemic? The Pfizer protege answered, we did NOT study that. I believe it was asked in Europe?

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When will accountability come is the big question? Kansas is suing Pfizer saying the shots effectiveness wasn't valid and harms caused has been extraordinary. For some reason Moderna is not part of the suit but they are going after Pfizer for copyright infringement. Stopworldcontrol.com/vaccines goes post Convid and what's to come unless we stop it. Fauci said with 100% certainty there would be a surprise outbreak during the Trump administration and countries were ordering PCR test kits by the billions in 2018. They were not designed to detect Covid but it's inventor is no longer with us to tell the truth on this matter.

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17 hrs ago·edited 16 hrs agoLiked by Eleftherios Gkioulekas

Did they include the one's that have passed "suddenly?" Last I read, it's over 100.

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15 hrs agoLiked by Eleftherios Gkioulekas

Three doctors at the same hospital The Trillium in Mississauga, Ontario passed away 2 weeks apart during Covid. Coincidence, not. One in Hamilton and Lord knows how many others. I thank God my GP never as much as asked if I received one, but did give me scripts for Ivermectin and HCQ. God Bless him every day.

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May God bless him EVERY DAY!!

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They couldn't answer the survey because they are not here anymore.

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15 hrs agoLiked by Eleftherios Gkioulekas

I understand. I was being fecitious. Pointing out these surveys are not telling the whole picture of atrocities connected to the murderous plot. As with any study there is a margin of error, honest disclosures and those not speaking on behalf of the dead victims.

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14 hrs agoLiked by Eleftherios Gkioulekas

Exactly! I was an American citizen with a Permanent Residency in Canada hired thru the Atlantic Immigration Pilot program to be Charge Nurse at a Long Term Care facility when the mandates went into effect we were told we had until Nov 2021 think it was Nov 29 to either take the jab or lose our job. It had taken me two years and 1000s of dollars to move to Canada I had bought a house and been there in Nova Scotia since Aug 2017 my only child a son who was born in Canada, my daughter in law and 8 grandchildren were just done the little dirt lane from me. We were only 30 mins from the Ocean I thought it was heaven I made friends loved my job and never thought I’d leave. Needless to say I am living in Texas now completely disillusioned with my profession which I feel failed its ethical duty !!! Most of the people I know took the jab to save their job. I asked them you advocate for informed voluntary consent for your patients but not yourself? You are willing to be coerced to save your livelihood? What would happen if you were told to save your job you had to jab a patient without their informed voluntary consent would you do it? Guess what the answer was? Yeah pretty F ing sick

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13 hrs agoLiked by Eleftherios Gkioulekas

Terribly sad, Holly, and enraging as well. The harm cannot be undone but we can stop more harm from happening if we all speak up...

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The same results will be found in American hospitals. I was fired from my 150K/year job as a nurse practitioner hospitalist with 37 years of experience for refusing the jab. I was fired AFTER I changed shifts to accommodate those workers who were out sick with covid despite being jabbed. Subsequently, I chose NOT to renew my license as I refuse to mistreat my patients so I can no longer practice in healthcare. What a waste.

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What happened is so terrible. I wish more people stood strong instead of caved.

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This is highly flawed methodology.

The participants were self-selected.

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