Oct 16·edited Oct 16Liked by Eleftherios Gkioulekas

Dr. Gkioulekas: When I tried to open the link to your Reference #2, it linked instead to the same publication as your Reference #1 link: Alasdair Millar's, "The myth of hydroxychloroquine in the treatment of SARS-CoV-2 infection." Not sure if I'm doing something wrong or if something's wrong with the 2nd link?

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😂 Aren't computers lovely? Will fix it in the morning when I wake up. There is a correct link at the top of the stack on the first paragraph. Thank you for letting me know.

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It has been fixed now. Thanks again for catching it.

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Oct 16Liked by Eleftherios Gkioulekas

: )

I appreciate your work. Thanks for making it available to substack readers.

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Oct 16·edited Oct 16

Congratulations : )

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Oct 16Liked by Eleftherios Gkioulekas

Thank You, Eleftherios. I'll put this in the post I'm composing today.

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Oct 16Liked by Eleftherios Gkioulekas

Published in 2005 before the medical institutions, journals, associations, and weak emasculated greedy compliant physicians started lying about HCQ:


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Oct 16Liked by Eleftherios Gkioulekas

I use the Zelenko protocol to this day, far superior to the vax, without the deadly side effects. Speaking of the vax, more people I personally know have died from the adverse effects and long term damage(heart damage, cancer and aggressive recurrent cancer , strokes and sudden death than ever died from covid. Not to mention the increased incidence of serious heart arrhythmias, tinnitus, autoimmune disorders etc. the vax is a graphic example of the cure being worse the disease. By orders of magnitude. All these deaths and damage from the vax are not only being ignored but actually systematically obscured by avoiding the study of readily available data and actually blocking access to relevant data. I believe that in the future, it will be proven that the Covid vaccine has been a medical holocaust

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The devil is working overtime…

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Hell is going to be a crowded place!

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I found my paper – Covid 19 Vaccine : a Sordid Tale’ -recently (now disappeared) on Robert Kennedy"s FB thread which I published originally on July 30, 2020 on my site. We didn't need a "vaccine" AND Trump initially bought a massive stock of HCQ to heal Americans. He must have been bullied by Fauci and company to sponsor the experimantal genetic shots called "vaccines". He now knows he was duped at great cost to Americans . The fraudsters know he knows which may account for their fear at his re-election.( (P.S. I initially gave credit to Bill Gates which is no longer the case.)


M.S. Cure Enigmas

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Oct 16Liked by Eleftherios Gkioulekas

Professional Raoul in France, a leading virologist from Marseille, has been hounded for successfully treating tens of thousands of patients. The Order des Médecins finally managed to find a reason to suspend him after he had retired. However the good news is that, in the judgement they felt obliged to admit that HCQ in no way harmed patients. This is an important legal precedent.

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I tried it on top of ivermectin and it might be OK. The only problem is it has a half-life of 50 days and I tried it with azithromycin and since I quit, my body temperature has been below normal. It has slowly been taking back up over the last 7 to 10 days, but I am still a little bit below normal body temperature. My advice would be that if ivermectin is good enough for you, you should stick with that or at least do not do this drug more than five days.

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Oct 16·edited Oct 16

Why not just use a Quercetin along with zinc because Quercetin is also a zinc ionophore. I find that if you take hydroxychloroquine without zinc it is even worse you have to make sure you take zinc with it since the half life is 50 days every day you were taking it it is stacking up on top of the other doses. Also, I started urinating very frequently, which can only mean that the body wants to get rid of it really quickly.

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Thank you for this publication, Dr. Gkioulekas. It is important to get the truth out in journals!

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